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Wishful Thinking is a research project that will culminate in a show about wishful thinking and luck.

I conducted front end evaluation between March 2 - March 6, 2006 with 150 individuals and families. Respondents' ages ranged from 6 - 87 and were an approximate 50% m/f ratio. The participants came from 7 different countries but were primarily American.

This is the request that I sent out:

Hi there.
I am amassing a collection of wish technology.

I would like to know: What do you wish on? Dandelions? Wishbones? Twisting apple stems? Falling stars? Four leaf clovers? Have any of these technologies been particularly effective for you?

My goal is to collect as many objects or representations of objects associated with making a wish as possible. And so, in an effort to build up an extensive collection, I wonder if you could tell me what you wish on.

Thanks so much! Kat

Many of the responses were beautiful, heartwarming and fascinating! I am currently compiling the findings of this preliminary study and putting together a more thorough, formative study of wish technologies based upon these initial findings. If you or your loved ones would like to participate in this study, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will send you a survey. Or you can download it from the link below.

Stay tuned to this page for more information on the project and findings as they develop!

Click on the picture below to download a PDF of the second part of the wishful thinking research project.

Please email your completed survey back to me at k{at}

Thank you!